Friday, February 8, 2019


This is about FLYING PIG WISHES.  I call them that, because Flying Pig Wishes are comprised mostly of hindsight. "A dream is a wish your heart makes."  or so Walt Disney says.  I guess I'm addressing my contemporaries as well as the generations that we've produced.

I wish I'd been the person who ... invented the road reflectors that divide lanes on the highways, or even maybe the words on a pencil that says, "USE TO HERE", or just pencil erasers?  What about the lumbar mechanisms in car seats? And what about personal computers and the Internet?  What about the person that invented SPELL CHECK?  I still think there's room for improvement on that.  And, what if, I'd become a physician, a serious writer, an artist, a musician, or even an ASTRONAUT? 

Reflecting back, I can recall a few of the "inconveniences" of our generations' lifetime.  The rotary dial on the phone, the long straight cord that enabled us to hide in the closet for some privacy on the phone (easily detected), having to defrost the refrigerator freezer, having to iron EVERYTHING, manual typewriters, typewriter erasers and whiteout, dress codes at school.  There was no central air in any of the schools I went to.  There were big ol' fans, windows and radiators.  We adjusted, but sometimes it was just horribly inclement.
Possibly, I've almost become the person I was meant to be in this life, and hopefully I've done some good and/or made a positive difference in someone's life.  I HAVE learned that if you can't help someone, don't hurt them.  Just be kind.  Try to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Give back what you have been given or learned.  Be honest without being hurtful.  Teach your children to be good, generous, helpful and kind.  This is mostly accomplished by example.  Well, that's a start, and as long as I'm upright and breathing there's still time.  Live, love, learn, teach and give back.  My path is still open and I'm still here.

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