Sunday, January 15, 2023


In my 75 years of observance, life seems to be a constantly winding road of Yea's and Boos, ups and downs, happiness and discontent, receiving and giving, etc. When we are small children, we can't wait for our birthdays, Christmas, Easter, the first day of school, for grandma to get there, etc. Well here it is. As an adult, we have already experienced most of our firsts, unless you are planning to skydive, or fly to the moon at the age of 80." Granted, that by this time our physical bodies have waned in strength and balance. The skin and bones holding our bodies together have softened; and because of this we have become more sedentary.

Here's the point of this dissertation. Years ago, I was pretty much forced into an early retirement because I'd had been found to have lung cancer. Luckily, it was non-small cell, which moves slowly. If you can call having a lung removed lucky, I am. When I returned to work, I pretty much sounded like Darth Vader. So much for receptionist positions. So after many attempts at temporary assignments, I just decided to take an early retirement.

What an adventure I've been on since then at the tender age of 55. I started writing, and that was a good thing. With the help of my handsome nephew, John, I set up a blog to keep my stories in. Still love it, and I have vowed to be more on top of it this year. Thank you Johnny-Boy! However, it pretty much kept me on my derriere, and in the house. I've kept that going, and still love to write.

That still wasn't enough, soooooo, I started making sock monkeys. It got me out of the house to find clothes for them! Shoes, of course! I made sock monkeys from all walks of life. It got me crawling around on the floor to cut out multiple patterns at once! I'll bet I made over 30 of them, and fell in love with each one as I stitched them together. After all of that planning, sewing, dressing and playing with the sock monkeys and snakes, I still didn't keep one for me. Maybe I need to make a Cowboy Jim monkey. Let me just think on that for a while.

On one trip to the craft stores, I found a pattern for some really cool 7' snakes! Oh, how cute! Of course I bought the pattern and then went to the fabric store to buy up their surplus of scraps that they sell at a discount. Oh, my GOD, this if fun!!!! After I'd made monkeys and snakes for everyone, I had to slow down a bit. So, I started snooping around the resale shops for their jewelry. I'm familiar with the resale shops, because you never know what kind of classy item you will find. The glass case always had jewelry on display. It caught my eye. I didn't really like the style of most of the pieces, but........I HAD HATCHED UP AN IDEA!!!! I could buy these pieces, take them apart, and string them back to my own style and satisfaction! What magic comes from snooping in someone else's old discards!

Needless to say, I fell in love again. Beading has been IT since then. They are magic, it seems. When I sit down at my very messy beading table, things start to happen! Colors come together to make something very pleasing to the eye. I will have to say, it's a pricey hobby, but maybe not as expensive as golf, deep-sea diving, or skydiving, but it's not sending me to the poor house.

I still want to make a Cowboy Jim monkey for me. I promise to put her in a prominent place in the house.....but I think she needs a stick horse. Let me just think on that a little.

I think the point of this message is find something to do, and stick to it, until you find yet another passion. Think of what grand things can come from that, and the stimulation for adventure and life that will take you on further adventures.

Whatever it is. Hiking would be great! What's next?