Friday, November 16, 2018



I love to watch the History Channel and Ancient Aliens.  It always begs the questions, who are we and why are we here?  Everyone wonders from the day we acquire wonder and logic.  Some religions teach that we are not to question our existence at all.  Just Trust …. Have Faith.  Is there a God that would keep us from seeking knowledge and answers to our burning questions?  Sometimes, I guess, it’s none of our business until we are evolved enough to do something with these profound answers.
"Then put your little hand in mine
There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb......Babe." - Sonny and Cher.
Science, Nature and Religion are slowly merging as we evolve into the people we are meant to be.  What if we are an experiment in a little petri dish? Were we planted here by aliens or “The Powers That BE”?  If so, our history as humans has evolved at an incredible rate.  Things we learned in school and at church about ourselves doesn’t jive with current science discoveries.  AND, how did our ancient ancestors make all the HUGE structures all over the world with such precision?  Examples have been studied and found to be almost impossible to have been produced without help from other sources. 

The Sphinx is a good example. This wonder has been found to be so much older than originally thought.  Original thought on the age would be about 5,000 years old.  Most recently, Egyptologists suggest that it was built by an advanced civilization and is more like 8,000 to 10,000 years old.  Anyone ever observe that there is a door by the Sphinx's right ear?  Also, that the Sphinx was once submerged in water.  There are so many questions about what’s in there, and what is its purpose?  This still doesn’t answer our questions.  We must take the initiative and the steps to discover what’s already here and put the puzzle pieces together.

What keeps popping into my mind is that possibly we have been put here to Live, Love, Learn, Create and Invent.  We are different from other beings on this planet. We have our thumbs, superior intelligence, we walk upright, and we have the gift of logic, and the absence of prehensile tails, just to mention a few human attributes.  This is NOT to say that other beings on this planet aren’t intelligent.  Just look at our super-dog, Puck.  He has us completely hornswoggled.

What about coincidental occurrences of huge events that are recorded in history as having happened at the same time all over this planet, i.e. deities in various cultures are recorded instruction, advice, lessons, rules and commandments.  There have been massive floods, and astronomical occurrences. And why did we ever think that we could be the only ones in our universe or anywhere else?

Is it enough to just be good, create good, be kind and lift up our fellow human brothers and sisters? Where does our energy go when our bodies have given up…...used and ravaged from our life’s’ missions and struggles here on this planet?  What of Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and Limbo that we have been taught about?  Is there a waiting line to get into the most prime places after death to see the Face of God, or the ravages of Hell?  Does our spirit (energy) get recycled to Live, Love and Learn another time and place?  Or, does our energy/spirit wander aimlessly if we don’t qualify for any of the assigned places we are raised to believe in from birth?  These are the thoughts that buzz through my mind in the night and early mornings when I’m supposed to be sleeping. 

I still believe that there is a God, and that I am not She, and that my prayers are heard. And I offer my prayer request to The Powers That Be:  Please help me be kind, creative and loving in my remaining days; that I may do at least one kindness today, and every day.   My prayer for my friends, family and all others is that your most fervent prayers be answered.