Actually, he’s a very sweet Roy-Grinch, and I can see his frustration with this season, but I don’t know why he can’t just suck it up! I guess that, combined with our advancing age, ills and temperaments it causes this frustration that comes with the Christmas season, particularly the commercialism that has taken over. After all, it’s only once a year thing, and we’ve honed this gift giving thing down to a fine art. Besides, don’t we give these things because we want to share good cheer and good will of the season with the people we love? Have we lost the message in the madness?
Try to see this season in a positive light. The older we get, the more we can get away with. I, myself, will be first to tell a clerk, “Merry CHRISTMAS!” in advance of their “Happy Holidays” offering. This throws them off. I can be a bit of a bully at times. I just look them straight in the eye and say it very clearly; at which time some of them cast their eyes down, and glancing side to side, saying under their breath, “You too.” We don’t have to guess that their store managers have instructed them to say “Happy Holidays” instead of making any reference at all to CHRISTMAS, as it could possibly offend customers that do not observe our Christmas celebration. Bah! And Humbug! to them if they can’t take the heat. I’ve never seen anyone go off on a clerk for saying “Merry Christmas” to a customer. Most, though, do reply back with a hearty “Merry Christmas to you, too!”
Over they years, I seem to have developed the Little Red Hen attitude, I have been giving myself first billing on all cards and gifts, as my special Roy-Grinch is not the one who wraps, decorates, bakes, mails gifts to all the grands and cleans the house in preparation of the upcoming Christmas celebration. He usually takes one big shopping trip with me to buy gifts. The rest of his shopping is done piece meal, and none of my business. Granted, he did get the tree out of the rafters in the garage, and he generously contributes his share of $$’s to the Christmas cause. He has actually wrapped gifts to me to stick under the tree in the living room. He points them out and dares me to touch or, God forbid, damage any of the wrapping. “NO PEEKING!!!!!” He says. "And stay out of my closet!" Geeeeeeezzzzze what-a-Grinch!
The grandkids are getting a little harder to buy for, as their interests change with every inch of growth. But, it so much fun to go to the toy department and actually play with some of the toys, and see what new fangled contraptions toy companies have come up with to entertain these smart kids. I’ve finished baking cookies and other homemade libations to mail to our grandchildren. Actually, I got it all mailed today! I’m nearly done with the shopping. Just a few more items to pick up, and I’m waiting for the arrival of a special order. There are stocking stuffers and some birthday items that I need to pick up, as my special Roy-Grinch is having a birthday just before Christmas. What a bummer! But, he doesn’t even carp or fuss about it being so close to Christmas. In fact, he just doesn’t mention it. For that he gets extra points.
Yesterday, I finally dragged the “pre-lit-tree-with-no-lights-on-it” out of the garage and assembled it in the living room. Last year I gave up on trying to keep the lights working on it and ripped them all off. I didn’t like the “Retro-multicolored lights” that were on it anyway. The Grinch bought two boxes of 300 white mini-lites for it without even batting an eye. Give the Roy-Grinch some good points. It’s actually going to be a pretty tree. He also built a wooden stand to put it on, so it would be even taller and we could fit more presents under it.
While I was fluffing out the branches of the un-pre-lit tree, our dog Hank started pacing and drooling. For some reason, the tree made him nervous. I guess old farts just don’t like change. After a bit, he started walking under the branches and actually scratching his back on them. The tree teetered dangerously, so I removed the tree from the wooden stand. Hey! It looks better that way, and Hank quit passing under it to scratch his back. He actually settled down to watch me finish assembling it. I left it that way for Roy-Grinch to see before putting lights on it. Again, he didn’t bat an eye at my decision to not use the wooden box stand. More points in his favor.
I know that I’m going to be decorating this tree myself, as it is the Roy-Grinche’s own tradition to just watch. When I’m done, he will put a single ornament in place on the tree, and we will turn on the tree lights and turn off the living room lights. We will sit on the couch, holding hands, to admire our beautiful little Christmas tree … my hero, our dog and me. He really is my hero, even if he’s a bit of a Grinch once a year. We are ready for Christmas and whatever it brings. There will be Peace on Earth and good will to spread with my hero the Good-Grinch, our good dog, Hank and me.

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