What An Excellent Idea!
NO, I am not on my death bed, or even ill. I am not a morbid person; nor am I entertaining the notion that death is near. No fear there. Everyone knows that we start to die the moment we are born, if you want to look at it that way. I prefer to see it as the beginning of a journey, and I see that I have quite a bit further to go. We also know that no one knows when their number will be up, so I’ve decided to get serious about what should be accomplished in the years I have remaining. I am not done YET. I’ll say when I’m done.
Anyone, at any age can start a Bucket List, and the sooner the better. That way you can get a head start on it and add to it. I think it’s an excellent idea. Certainly, everyone past the age of 50 should have a Bucket List, and update it frequently. I’m sure that I will be adding to my list as these notions occur to me. So get your Big Chief Tablet and get busy.
SO, here I am at 62, finally throwing down a Bucket List on cyber paper. The thought occurred to me this morning after receiving a video from one of my cousins. The video was of the rider and horse at the end of a bullfight. I’m not an advocate of bullfighting at all, but this caught me off guard, as to the artistry, skill, grace and beauty of the rider and the horse (Caballero), and how the horse and rider were one. It was beautiful. This did not make me want to go to a bullfight. On the contrary, I wanted to see the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions of Austria. I have never seen them in person. That made me think of all the things I’d better put on my Bucket List. I will not be numbering this list, as there is no particular order in which I must accomplish these “items”.
I am not interested in anything that will rush me to the end of my bucket list before I’ve really gotten a start on it. Skydiving is out, as well as any kind of martial arts, bungee jumping, race cars, motorcycle stunts, or being a stunt person in a movie. And, no, I will not be running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.
I won’t be getting neck rings, lip plates, body piercings or tattoos; nor will I be having any kind of cosmetic surgery. I’ll make due with the many pots and jars that line my side of the bathroom sink. My take on that is try everything and never give up. I figure if I take care of myself, I’ve got about 20 years to do this.
Bearing all of this, and my list in mind, I will accept suggestions, and of course, invitations! If I happen to do something spectacular that isn’t already on the list, or learn a new language or acquire a new skill in the process, then I will add it to my list as accomplished. No, that’s not cheating. I will get this list started, and then see how it compares to The Royster’s list. This is going to be fun! Let the journey continue!
Do a kindness for another every day
Clean out everything in the house, and pare down to “must keeps”.
Have a huge garage sale – Give the rest away
Move to a small community and get involved.
Get something published
See the Royal Lipizzaner Stallions
Maybe ride an elephant
Pan for Gold, and look for other treasures
River rafting
Hot Air Balloon Ride
Helicopter ride
Visit the Big Arizona Meteor Crater
Ride a Cable Car
Go on a Cruise
Visit Alaska and fish for salmon
Drive up the New England Coast line in the Fall
Visit all my family on both sides of the Mason Dixon Line
Camp out to see a meteor shower and/or a lunar eclipse.
Travel to at least one foreign country.
Take a month long “See America Trip” in a motor home.
Well, there it is. It’s just a starter list, and subject to change, if only because I’m a woman, and I can do that. Have a look at it and start your own list. It’s okay to borrow ideas from someone else. After all, no one has cornered the market on any of the above, and I could never tell anyone that it’s strictly MY list.
When you’re done with your list I’ll show you mine if you’ll show me yours.
I’ve always wanted to say that.