We’ve managed to get Rockin Roy’s mom back to her assisted living apartment. That was no small feat, spending all day last Friday wading through red tape and sitting in the lobby of the nursing home with Gen, who didn’t seem to know she was getting her wish….getting sprung. She had just spent a month at the nursing home getting therapy, and she was getting to go back to her own furniture and friends at the assisted living apartment. There are some loose ends to tie up, such as arranging for the upgrade of her care at the Atria, straightening up her meds list and turning her back over to the care of her own doctor, and making sure she has everything she needs. This last stroke has increased her “needs list” quite a bit. Bless the wonderful people who take care of her at the Atria.
In the mean time, three of our granddaughters plus their beautiful stepsister were here to visit for an unknown length of time. They are here visiting from Bullhead City, AZ. We were originally to share visits between their dad (Buford), and his sister, their Aunt Deborah. This is going to be fun! I had plans of library, skating, bowling and swimming, and just hanging out with the girls.
My dear friend, Ginger arrived on Friday afternoon as planned for an annual party on Bolivar Peninsula and to visit with us. She asked me to be her “date” for this event, as her husband elected to stay in Fort Worth to be left alone with an entire carrot cake left in the refrigerator. We know that’s why he didn’t come. Of course I would go with her for a day of sun and food and fun one the beach! We were to get up early Saturday and head down to the ferry from Galveston to Bolivar.
The three of us went out to eat that night at a steakhouse with four more of our friends. This is our usual Friday night fare, and a grand time was shared by all. We even got some pretty goofy pictures before heading home to relax and get ready for our adventure to Bolivar Peninsula.
As we walked in the back door, the phone rang. It was our oldest granddaughter, in tears saying between sobs, that her daddy had been taken to the hospital in an ambulance with a possible stroke. “Don’t worry honey, I’ll be right there to get you girls!” My imagination pictured four little girls sitting on the curb, sobbing while waiting for their grandmother to come save the day. Ginger and I jumped into the Durango and headed over to get the girls. Thankfully, they were not alone. Their Aunt Deborah had been the one to call an ambulance before zooming 50 miles to over-see her brother getting loaded up to go to the hospital and to take care of the girls until I could get there. She must have flown, and it’s a wonder that she didn’t get a ticket. I was really surprised to see her. She lives a long way away and she was there so fast.
We loaded up the girls, introductions were made all around, and we headed to the house. We got the girls settled in, making sleeping assignments for everyone. I was prepared to just stay home the next day and let Ginger go on to her party alone. Rockin'Roy stepped in and volunteered to entertain the girls so that Ginger and I could go on to with our plans for fun, sun and food at Bolivar. What a guy! With that, we all turned in for the night.
The three of us arose the next morning to enjoy coffee and sit out on the deck before the girls got up. We dressed and headed out for a day at the beach. I knew Roy would royally entertain the four little girls bravely, and I didn’t worry about them. Ginger and I had a great time, great food, conversation with people our own age, and I even got the first sunburn (not a bad one) I’ve had in years. Even that was sort of a good feeling. We headed back to Spring, and called our respective home-base contacts. As I suspected, Rockin’ Roy had the girls out hunting for food at the great hunting reserve, H.E.B. This is one of those hunting reserves where all the “game” is rounded up for you in isles, and you just throw it in the basket and shoot it with a check, cash or debit card. What a brave man!
The next morning, the three of us got up once more and met on the deck for coffee and the Sunday paper. We walked across the street to visit a bit with Lou the Bromeliad Man. That’s always enchanting. Ginger walked away with a treasure trove of plants from Lou the Bromeliad Man and some from our own back yard.
Monday, Rockin’ Roy left for work, and the girls and I were left to our own resources. We tried the library, but it was not opened yet. So, we did the old standby thing and went to the grocery store again. Came back to the house and checked on their daddy. He’s still in the hospital, but is going to be alright. We went back to the library later in the afternoon. Two out of the four actually got books, but mostly they all wanted to touch (via email) base with their friends back home. Yes sireee! They went there to get online to visit. Why, in my day, we went to the library to get books and to do term papers!
Today, I think we’ll make smoothies for breakfast, go pick blackberries and maybe go to the pool. Because Rockin’ Roy told me I’m his super hero, I will make it through this day and more.