This is not just about my own dainty size six Daisy Dukes; “Cut-Offs”, as they are known to most of us Baby Boomers. I gave mine a very simple burial in the bottom of a Salvation Army donation bag about 16 years ago; only until I saw the Salvation Army truck pull up in front of my house. This left little chance that I would retrieve them once again from the donation bag, only to return them safely back to their cherished spot in my dresser drawer. I had out grown those little jewels years before, but until then, I could not bring myself to part with them … just in case I could squeeze into them once more. Only after the truck pulled away from our curb was I able to even think about some deserving young woman finding such a prize on the rack at the Salvation Army. Could she do them justice, though? I wept bitterly. As most women my age, my shorts are of the Bermuda variety, or I wear Capri’s. And, as I’ve said before, I do look much better in clothes than out of them, and have, ever since I out grew my beloved Daisy Dukes…long before I parted with them.
Enough about my reminiscences, wailings and losses. This is about the Royster’s Daisy Dukes. He was going through a drawer full of shorts, deciding which to keep and which to give away. After all, I’d been bugging him for weeks to clean out that drawer. He tried on each pair before making a decision as to their fate. He picked up these very seasoned cut-offs and waved them at me. “Hey! Remember these?” And, he stepped into them as if he’d just worn them yesterday. Yes, he still looked fabulous in them. Even when he tried them on, just two hours ago, they fit, but somehow, it just wasn’t the same. No, it just wasn’t right. He said that he’d only wear them to work in the yard, certainly not to any social events. Well, I should hope not!
It may just be our age, or maybe it’s the fact that his cut-offs still fit him long after I’d out-grown my own, but it’s just not the same. I was hoping he’d put them straight in the donation bag. As it was, he put them in the stack of shorts to save, and I went about my Saturday chores with my mind still on those damned Daisy Dukes! And, they still fit him! How dare him flaunt that pair of cut-offs in front of me; especially since I had out grown mine so many years ago! And, they fit him!
Soon I was absorbed into my lawn watering, laundry washing, and baking. I forgot all about the cut-offs, and was able to be amicable. We ran a couple of errands, and returned to have lunch and rest up, as some of us must do if we are going out for the evening. As I cleaned up our lunch dishes, and walked back to the bedroom, I saw The Royster’s cut-offs in the waste basket. How heart breaking! What a heartless farewell for something so divine, so cherished, so full of history! Oh, the beaches they saw and the parties they went to! If those cut-offs could talk, what tales they would tell! I went to get my camera, and took one last picture of them.
We will always have fond memories of the summer apparel of the 60’s; cut-offs tee-shirts or halter-tops and flip-flops. PARTY TIME!!!!.
Melissa, you are SUCH a good writer! Either this is a God given talent or you took a lot of schooling in writing!! I hope you are printing and binding all of these blogs for your grandkids. I started doing a written deal for my grandsons before there were blogs. I keep it all as hard copy printed out and spiral bound. If they are interested, so be it. I won't be around to care. :)
You are SUCH a good writer mah lady.
This is sooooooo funny! Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I still have my Daisy Dukes, alas, they are just not right anymore either. My husband loves them on me though so "when at home". LOL.
Love this...!! still have a pic of me in my daisy dukes with a tube top to boot! one of life's treasures ;) Thanks for the journey down memory lane...
If I tried to wear my cutoffs now, they would arrest me probably. On the other hand, Melissa, check out my Facebook page for the play I MIGHT be in. I need your advice!
Just the memory of girls in jean cut offs so short that most of the pocket linings are exposed paired with a figure flattering halter top... reminds me of how much of my sex life has become fantasy.
I think that I was far more found of my girlfriend/ wife’s Levi’s cut off short shorts than she was. After all she could never get the full effect of seeing them worn to a number of places that didn’t seem completely appropriate although I cannot remember any complaints registered.
As for me, I was never a fan of the Dukes of Hazard, but Danna Dale had great legs and the side seams on those shorts gradually unraveled all the way up to the pocket rivets. Men’s clothing will probably never again be as strange and unattractive as it was in the early 70’s, but I hope young girls keep wearing Daisy Dukes forever.
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