Tradition has always been important in our family. There were always special occasions that we would dress up for and the good dishes, silverware and recipes we would use for these special occasions. Our “good clothes” or “special occasion clothes” were reserved for special events, outings and special company. There were also people that we only saw on these special occasions, which made it that much more special. All of my aunts and uncles and cousins were there.
My grandmother had a collection of amber crystal plates, goblets, wine glasses, salad bowls, luncheon sets, etc. She also had several sets of sterling silver and china that she used for these special occasions. I remember commenting to our grandmother how pretty these amber crystal dishes were. She must have remembered, because she left them to me when she died. How very special that she left to me the very things I had admired as a child. I always remember the amber plates adorned with a piece of homemade pecan pie or pumpkin pie. For years, these cherished dishes remained in their boxes in the attic. By the time I had thought of these wonderful dishes, the occasion to use them was already upon us, and it was too late to fetch them out of the attic. Mostly, any entertaining we did was very casual, so I never got them out of the attic.
In the recent past years, I’ve been privileged to stay with my very dear friend, Ginger, when visiting in Fort Worth. She has always managed to make me feel like royalty while I am there. I can have my choice of guest rooms, and at meal times, she uses sterling silver eating utensils and some really nice pottery place settings. First of all, Ginger collects lots of things. Anything old, used and beat up in an estate sale, antique shop, flea market or garage sale gets snapped up by Ginger. If she doesn’t have at least two of any particular item, she has to have it. One day I commented that it always made me feel special because she used her “good dishes and silverware”. She said:
“My grandmother would say she was ‘laying it back’ when she received something new (a gown, tablecloth, dishes etc) meaning she would keep it for a special occasion. I told her to use it, why save it for Grandpaw's next wife?????”
Excellent observation, and I’d tend to agree with Ginger’s philosophy. I like it, and I must admit that I’ve got several really nice dresses and a number of pairs of shoes that I just won’t part with. Possibly there will be an occasion to wear something besides jeans, cut-off, tee-shirts and flip-flops to. Maybe there will be a wedding, funeral or Christmas party to dress up for. I won’t care if it is out of style. They're classic now!
So, what are we saving this wonderful stuff for? We don’t have much in this household that is “just for looking at”, or just for display in the attic. If it doesn’t have a function, I’m not interested in dusting it. The stuff that we do have that’s just for looking at does collect dust. We actually have some surfaces (tables, sideboards, shelves and counter tops) that are so cluttered with stuff that I put off dusting. You have to move everything, or you’ll knock it over dusting. I’m all for boxing this stuff up for the attic if there happens to be someone in this house that just can’t part with it. There are only two of us.
I want to use the dining room furniture that was my Father’s great aunt’s. It’s pre-civil war. The sideboard still has droplets of milk spilled on it from when I was two. We’ve had the table restored because thirteen people sat around that table every night that I was growing up, and it got really, really, really used. Now it sits in our very small dining room just waiting to have a family around it again. I’ve just made up my mind that it will be used again; maybe the next time we have company. I’ll give it a good dusting, and perhaps it will get enough use that it won’t be collecting dust in the future.
We have started using “the good silver” more on a daily basis. I still can’t bring myself to use it on T.V. tray while we watch television. However, I’m working on it. Hmmmm…..maybe tonight. Look out Honey! I’m using the “good silver” tonight! Who knows what will happen! Maybe there will be some ghostly apparitions!
My new motto is, "If I don't use it, and I don't know the back story on it, I'm selling it or giving it away."
Need a China hutch & buffet?
Very good stuff. I sometimes wonder if there is a difference in the way males view this vs females? Maybe not. I for sure am for using the good stuff, the china and crystal...and "tradition" is important too. I hope we live long enough to see our 3 grandsons marry so some of the glass and china stuff won't be sold at the estate sale when we cork it. :)
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